“There's one more thing you better understand.
I have thought myself to sew, cook, fix plumbing,
build furniture - I can even pat myself on the back
when necessary - all so
I don't have to ask anyone for anything.
There's nothing I need from anyone for exept
for love and respect
and anyone who can't give me those
two things has no place in my life.”
#Torch Song Trilogy(1988)
「もう一つ あと一つだけ わかって欲しいことがある
僕は 裁縫も 料理も 水道修理も
必要なら 自分で自分を褒めてやることだってできる
そうすれば 誰にも頼らなくて済むから
そんな僕に必要なのは 愛とリスペクト だけだ
僕は その二つを僕に与えられない人に用はない」