テレビ朝日(関東限定)「やすらぎ白書」に私が登場します! 放送は、5月4日(木)13:54~14:24 の予定です。学校革命=スクールレボリューション(69)=
I've been coaching people to take the exam.
"I want you to create a plan that will definitely help me pass the exam."
It is normal to receive requests to "make a plan that will definitely help me pass the exam. That is why many preparatory schools and cram schools
"If you do this, you too can pass Kyoto University!
They are trying to attract customers with a lie.
The reality is that the probability of passing an entrance exam to a difficult school is low for students who are stuck in a plan or who have a plan to pass the exam. Can anyone pass the entrance exam to a difficult school if he or she follows the instructions of the prep school? The reality is that this is a lie, and it is obvious to anyone who looks at it.
Between students who study spontaneously and those who live according to the rituals of others, the winner is obvious.
2023年度 大阪大学「医学部」3名
2022年度 京都大学「医学部」 京都大学「経済学部」
2021年度 京都大学「理学部」 京都大学「経済学部」
2020年度 京都大学「工学部」2名