最後の方と思っていたけど、いきなりローマ法王逮捕かよ。幼児誘拐で・・。すげーなトランプ。かなり上の方の人物をいきなり逮捕か。まだ詳細わからないですが、なんらかの大きな事件が起きているのは確かだね。このレベルのNEWSがいきなりネットで公表されるとは・・・まあ、どうせしばらくはFAKE NEWSだーー、名誉棄損だーーが続くだろうが、1か月後ぐらいにはなにかもっと詳細判明しているかな。
彼が最後のローマ法王って予言は当たるのかな。ってことは、今後ヨーロッパじゅうで暴動起きて、内戦おきて、EU内で局地戦も起きて、あの国とその国が電撃侵攻してくるのか、・・・ 怖い早めに準備しとかないとね。
VATICAN BLACKOUT: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud
Military officers, Italian police, and their Sex Crimes Unit went to the pope’s home in the Vatican, they arrested him and several other high ranking officials, and placed them all under arrest without incident. People near the scene have reported hearing gunshots, but the Police would not confirm if they were the ones firing the weapons.
Pope Francis is currently being held in an unknown prison, being interrogated by Federal Agents working for the state of Italy and Interpol. The FBI is reportedly making arrangements to fly in and interrogate him once Interpol is done with him.
Giuseppe Governale, Italy’s chief anti-mafia prosecutor, was called in early into the investigation into Pope Francis and others within the Vatican. He said the group was “underestimated” and particularly dangerous because of its ability to proliferate across nations and infiltrate them.
“These individuals are truly the worst of the worst in society. I can promise you, we will not stop targeting human trafficking until we put a stop to this despicable trade in the Vatican and Italy, as well as surrounding countries around Europe. While I am a lead prosecutor in Italy, my department will strive to protect our citizens, especially those that need us most, our children”.
Giuseppe Governale
In order to make the arrest, police and military agents had to cut off the power in the Vatican, as well as dim the live cam. This was noticed by web-sleuths, who quickly became suspicious of what was happening in the Vatican.