indulge in ーにふける
detachment 遊離
be prone to ーしがちである
be content to 喜んでーする
be bound up with ーと密接に関連している
Public schools are cold to students who are victims of bullying. Too often, they assume that bullying is a problem at home or with the student. For schools, bullying is "trouble. Trouble lowers one's reputation as a public servant.
That is why they like high-achieving students. However, high-achieving students often have an underhanded side. Teachers insist "don't hold schools accountable," but they just don't want to deal with it. The usual response is for the school board and the school to orchestrate to prevent an investigative committee from being set up. Cover-ups are the norm.
If "unluckily" an investigation committee is formed, "members are chosen to give the school an advantage.
だから、成績優秀な生徒が好き。しかし、成績優秀な生徒が裏の顔を持っていることも多い。 教師は「学校に責任を問うな」と主張するが、対応したくないだけ。教育委員会と学校で調査委員会が立ち上がらないように画策するのが普通の対応だ。隠蔽が当たり前。
“運悪く”調査委員会が立ち上がってしまったら「 学校に有利になるようなメンバー」を選ぶ。
京大医学部医学科4名(2022, 2016, 2014, 2013)
名大医学部医学科2名(2018, 2013)
慶応医学部医学科2名(2019, 2018)