ロシアの敗北狙えば核戦争も メドベージェフ前大統領
戦争のような非常事態になったら、野党に政権を任せられるわけがないので自民党は安泰です。でも、本当にそれで良いのだろうか?[アメリカ+NATO+日本+民主主義国 」VS「ロシア+中国+北朝鮮+独裁国家」で正面衝突したら、どちらが勝つのだろう。どちらが勝利しても数百万人単位の人が惨めに亡くなってゆくことだろう。地球の陸上の大半が核汚染されてしまいそう。人類はバカではないのか。
It's a threat that even the Yakuza can't resist. But if the aggressor wins and is allowed to expand its territory.
Then, me too.
And, China will invade Taiwan. The U.S. would not stand idly by and watch, so naturally there would be an armed clash. Then the U.S. military base in Okinawa would be attacked, and Japan would be involved. Perhaps this is why Prime Minister Kishida has suddenly started talking about "tax hikes" in order to prepare weapons with "enemy base attack capability.
In the event of a war-like emergency, the LDP will be safe because there is no way the opposition can be trusted to govern. But is that really the right thing to do? [If there were a head-on collision between "the United States + NATO + Japan + a democratic country" vs. "Russia + China + North Korea + a dictatorship," who would win? Whoever wins, millions of people will die miserably. Most of the earth's land surface would be contaminated by nuclear weapons. Are human beings not idiots?