“お茶汲み”する職員に1日20万円…五輪費用3.6兆円オーバーの“裏側” 組織委元職員が告白【報道特集】
巨額の公金が使われた東京オリンピック。会場運営を担った大手広告代理店などが相次いで起訴されました。番組では組織委員会の元職員4人を取材。そこで語られた費用が膨張した“からくり”とは。 ■組織委元職員「電通に頼ることしかできない」
In any country, at any time, the "upper class" does whatever they want with the money they collect from the "lower class. That is why laws have been established to prohibit bribes and create anti-monopoly laws. However, the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games cannot stand up to a giant monopoly like Dentsu. It has no choice but to throw its weight around.
The same thing is happening in the prep school and cram school industry. Take Benesse, for example. For example, Benesse tried to monopolize the listening test of the common test, but was defeated by public opposition. However, they overcame the opposition of university professors for the Tokyo Metropolitan Speaking Test.
High school students trust the Kawaijuku and Sundai tests more than the Shinken Mock Test, yet the Shinken Mock Test is the only one recommended and administered in schools. Why is this?