筑波大附属高への入試から1年が経過した秋篠宮家の長男・悠仁さま(16)。 「それまで通われていたお茶の水女子大附属は高校から女子のみとなるため、他高への進学を検討された結果、筑波大学附属校を選択されました。お茶の水女子大と筑波大との『提携校進学制度』を利用して選考を経て、2022年2月13日に学力検査を受けられたわけです」(皇室ジャーナリスト)
Today is the day of the examinations. By now, cram school students must be struggling at their respective examination sites. Even though the entrance examination system is criticized in many ways, it is fair because it is basically a contest of academic ability only. No matter how rich you are or how economically impoverished you are, if you pass the exam, your position is reversed. That is why the special treatment of the Emperor's family in examinations is criticized.
Whether it is the "University of Tokyo" or "Hitotsubashi," no one complains if they take the examinations in a fair and honest manner. However, it is unacceptable to be given special treatment and to have one of the seats taken away from a student who is doing well. People feel that way, so they criticize. Also, it would be unacceptable if a new system is created without permission and the students "pass" the exam by taking a roundabout route.