You can see the English version below.
混沌の王 オ=ニキス 悪魔
前衛 死亡時:キュクロープスを2体出す。
イベント オニキススペシャルカップ
日 時 4月21日 21時~23時
方 式 レーティング
レギュレーション L1 LP25 ターン30秒
レプリカ あり
1位 混沌の王 オ=ニキス(発行No.1)
オニキス抽選 1名
全体抽選 1名
オニキスギルドメンバー 50SPLをオニキスに寄付
オニキス以外の方 200SPLをオニキスに支払
We are pleased to announce the issuance of an Onyx Limited Edition S-Card to commemorate Onyx's February 2023 Guild Battle victory!
Lord of Chaos O-Nyx
10 4/9
When dead: Recruit 2 Cyclopes.
What do you think? Isn't it cute? Isn't it cute? Illustration advantage is amazing! And the words "Guild Battle Feb. 2023 champion!" is glittering in the background!
The good thing about S-Cards is that they can be issued as souvenirs. Mr.dedsyati on the previous board also held an S-Card Colosseum and gave an S-Card as a commemorative prize.
So, Onyx, too! We will hold a colosseum with this S-card issue number 1 as a prize!
Event Onyx Special Cup
Date and Time April 21, 21:00-23:00
Replica Yes
[if less than 64 players attend]
1st place O-Nyx, Lord of Chaos (Issue No.1)
[If 64 or more players attend]
In addition to the above, promo card will be given by Onyx Lottery 1 Entire lottery 1
Everyone, not just Onyx, will have a chance, so please join us! If 64 or more people gather, there will be an overall drawing, so please come to the Colosseum even for just one game.
And even if you don't win at the Colosseum, you will be able to get this S-Card. In the future, we plan to issue S-cards issued by Onyx under the following conditions if you provide us with Spirit.
Onyx Guild Members 50 SPL donated to Onyx
Non-Onyx Persons 200 SPL paid to Onyx
Please look forward to this policy, which will be announced separately again as a new policy.
・・・・・・・ and below, for beginners: ・・・・・・・・
What is an S-Card?
S-Card is the main feature of CryptoSpells, a system that allows you to create your own original cards. The cards you create can be used in free battles in the game and in the S-regulation Colosseum.
To create an S card, you need to prepare a "Spirit". Spirits are divided into three categories: Spirit I, Spirit II, and Spirit III.
Spirit I is the spirit that indicates the cost of the card, ranging from 1 to 11. Of these, the 10- and 11-cost Spirits are awarded for 300 wins with five leaders available from the beginning. All other spirits must now basically be taken out of the Gold Card. Some Gold Cards have Spirit that can be taken out and some do not, so please take a look at the "Spirit Disassembly" under the "S-Card" tab. Spirit can only be taken out once.
Spirit II is a Spirit that indicates a keyword ability. It is an ability like "Rapid" or "frontline." This can be obtained in exchange for Soul at the in-game Market→Shop→Spirit.
Spirit III is a spirit that indicates the effect of a card. In the card above, it is the part that says "When dead: Recruit 2 Cyclopes". You can exchange it by collecting 3 pieces of Spirit, which can be obtained from quests. Besides, you can also take them out from the gold card.
The S-card is so deep that it is called "swamp," so please play with it when you get used to the game.