北朝鮮が弾道ミサイル2発を発射 与正氏、列島上空越えを警告
多くの人が集まって相談しても結論が出ず、決定を見ないことをいう。 天正18年(1590)、豊臣秀吉(とよとみひでよし)が北条(ほうじょう)氏の小田原城を攻めたとき、城内で和戦の評定が長引き、ついに決定を見ないまま滅ぼされたことから出た言葉。
Neighboring North Korea continues to threaten by launching missiles daily into the Sea of Japan. And Japanese politicians continue to "Odawara Kyoei," or the "Odawara Critique. All they say is, "We regret it" or "We protest it vehemently. And Prime Minister Kishida says he will consider countermeasures.
The leaders of the exiled nation are incompetent and will perish before they can make any decisions. How many times have we made the same mistake in the past? This time, they may call it the "Kishida Critique" and leave a bad name for themselves in the history books.
The same is true of Japan's schools. Japan's schools are in the same situation, falling in both international comparisons of academic achievement and economic strength. Yet, even minor improvements such as black school rules and black club activities have been under "consideration" for more than 10 years. Zero ability to implement. The bureaucrats of Edo in the past and the bureaucrats and politicians of Tokyo now lack the power and will to improve the current situation.