しかし、フタを開けてみると、本来の狙いに反して、過酷な労働環境を訴える内容ばかりが投稿される事態となり、教員不足はマスコミ等でも取り上げられ、大いに話題になった。 それを一過性のニュースとして触れ、過去の話題ととらえている人もいるだろう。 しかし、「♯教師のバトン」は今も続いていて、事態は改善されるどころか、ますます悪化している。
コロナの中、オンライン授業をしてみたら YouTube に無料でアップされている予備校、塾、個人の授業の方がはるかに充実していることもバレてしまった。もう後戻りはできないと思う。
Very few of the students I am allowed to teach are aspiring teachers. They say that many of them don't respect the teachers they come in contact with every day. Besides, they know that they are not treated well for being ridiculed by the students. In short, in a word, they look like a "black company.
There is an acute shortage of teachers nationwide. As a result, the quality of teachers is declining as they hire just about anyone. We are in a complete vicious circle. Students are so desperate to "pass" that they naturally rely on cram schools and prep schools and do not trust school classes.
In Corona, when school teachers tried online classes, we also found out that prep schools, cram schools, and private classes uploaded for free on YouTube are much more fulfilling. I don't think there is any turning back now.
Those relied upon prep schools, cram schools, tutors, etc.
Now is the time to make money!
and they are now on a media advertising offensive. It's a pity. To be frank, many cram schools and prep schools see their students' faces as nothing more than wads of cash.